Guangdong Travel Group November 2006

This blog is for the CHI Guangdong Travel Group from November 2006. It's a place we can share photos and information about our daughters as they grow and change.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Margie Graham

Hello Everyone!
I cannot believe that a year has passed. Wasn't it just yesterday that we were all meeting for the first time?

Margie is doing well. She is growing and getting so big. A real toddler now. Her hair grows so incredibly fast, I need to make a standing appointment at kid snips. She still sleeps well and is still liking her vegetables. She loves her books and is very interested in dogs, cats, horses, and rabbits. She has grown to be familiar and comfortable with our extended family (which is good for the babysitting scene). Music and dancing are still a favorite. Does anyone else notice that? I wonder if books, music and dancing we a big part of the day at maonan.

Attached are a few pictures of Princess Margie.

Maryann, Greg, Eddie and Margie


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